Ken Roczen, the renowned motocross and supercross rider, recently shared his enthusiasm for the upcoming 2025 season. In a New Year’s message to his fans, Roczen expressed his excitement about continuing his journey with Suzuki and the team’s prospects for the year ahead.
Roczen, who has been with Suzuki for multiple seasons, has demonstrated exceptional performance aboard the RM-Z450. His recent victory in Abu Dhabi has set a positive tone as he prepares for the 2025 Supercross season. In his message, Roczen stated, “I am very excited to continue my relationship with Suzuki and the team. We have had a pretty successful last couple of years, and we are eager to continue chasing our dreams of wins and podiums.”
Looking ahead, Roczen is set to compete alongside teammates Colt Nichols and Kyle Chisholm in the 450-class championship. The team’s focus is on maximizing results and competing at the highest level of Supercross. The season opener is scheduled for January 11 at Anaheim Stadium, where fans can anticipate thrilling performances from Roczen and his teammates.
Roczen’s dedication to the sport and his commitment to excellence continue to inspire fans worldwide. As the new season approaches, supporters can look forward to witnessing his pursuit of victories and podium finishes, further solidifying his status as a formidable competitor in the motocross and supercross arenas.
For more insights into Ken Roczen’s thoughts on his future in the sport and his plans with Suzuki, you might find the following interview informative:
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